Dance Studio
Owners & Directors:
Need Some Breathing Room?

Your Choreography is riveting.
Your Dancers are confident.
Your Costumes are stunning.
Come Monday, you’re stuck in the office, staring at a computer screen for hours.
Paying bills, chasing down parents to update expired credit cards.
Then, there’s marketing & recruitment…
When it comes to
handling your finances,
you know it needs to be done.
You feel pressure to be the one-person-show for every aspect of your studio. You know you’re capable of doing all the things.
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
-African Proverb
Reignite your passion for dance.
Work with a Business Professional
with years of experience
as a Ballet Professional.
I work with you to streamline,
automate, & analyze so you can
Focus on what you do best:
teach, choreograph, inspire.