Gratitude, apples, & llamas

Opportunities for Growth


Words that should be getting more visibility this year.

Sure, 2020 has presented us with a hefty dose of reality.  Plans that change daily or even hourly, tough conversations, and uncomfortable choices.  

Each of us given a choice: to struggle or to release.

When the outbreak hit in March, many of us struggled, including me.  After a few days of reprieve for this homebody, restlessness set in.

The daily walks began.  Sometimes multiple times daily walks.

I am often content being inside.  Reading books, crocheting, sewing projects, watching dance videos… A 16-month-old??  Not so much.

We weren’t the only ones.  Our neighbors were out and about too, timidly introducing themselves.  Our little neighborhood tucked into the foothills of the Green Mountains of Vermont revealed to us the oasis that it is.  

Calm.  Quaint.  Caring.  Friendly.  Welcoming.  And stunningly beautiful.

We have since met every single neighbor on our Road.  Visited baby lambs, mere days old.  Been eager tasters of fresh eggs delivered by 2 adorable little girls with a red wagon. Chatted with shelter-in-place adults, relieved to see a joyous friendly toddler wave & smile.  Swapped tomatoes, cucumbers, & pumpkins from the abundance of mountainside gardens. Picked apples in a hidden gem of an orchard, that just happens to sit at the end of the road.  Played on the fields of the most iconic wiffleball park in the country.

The driveby/walk by parade organized in celebration of our son’s 2nd Birthday.  Likely the piece de resistance, still brings tears of deep gratitude to this Momma’s eyes.  Balloons, streamers, antique vehicles, ATV, lawnmower, & llamas (yes, llamas) filled our little neighborhood with immense joy.  An opportunity to celebrate a sweet kiddo growing up in a not-so-typical time.

We gained a deep appreciation for the connection of Community.

Gratitude.  For the opportunities to reassess life.  To pause and evaluate where we are and where we’re headed.  To adapt and adjust.

Today, this Day of Thanks, may we choose to release the stress of the struggle and simply be.

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